Solar System Jobs

Find your dream job anywhere in the Solar System!

Space Jobs

Welcome to the premier job portal for space-related careers! Whether you're looking to mine asteroids, design habitats on Mars, or pilot cargo ships through the asteroid belt, connects you with the frontier of employment opportunities across the solar system.

Recent Jobs

Zero-G Yoga Instructor

Zero-G Yoga Instructor

OrbitFit - Earth Orbit

Help space travelers find their inner peace and stretch beyond their physical limits.

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Lunar Landscape Designer

Lunar Landscape Designer

Moon Makeovers Inc - Moon

Design breathtaking landscapes using only Moon rocks and dust. Transform dull craters into luxury resorts and exclusive golf courses.

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Martian Soil Taste Tester

Martian Soil Taste Tester

Red Planet Gourmet - Mars

At Red Planet Gourmet, we’re passionate about pushing the boundaries of extraterrestrial cuisine.

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Asteroid Mining Robot Psychologist

Asteroid Mining Robot Psychologist

BeltTech Solutions - Asteroid Belt

Provide emotional support and therapy for our fleet of mining robots working in the Asteroid Belt.

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The content of this website is created for entertainment and imaginative purposes only. All companies and job postings are fictional. Our mission is to envision the possibilities of a future job market in the Solar System and to engage with our visitors in a fun and creative exploration of what might one day be possible.